X3, part of the RGBlink Universal Processor range, is a scalable, expandable videowall processor that is dynamically configurable across a wide range of modern display applications. Features high performance video scaling with one or more videos able to be displayed across a display surface of up to eight output displays..
X3 has four input slots allowing up to sixteen inputs to be install. Two slots and up to eight outputs may be fitted. All inputs and outputs are modular with accepting RGBlink SmartSlot modules including 3G-SDI, HDMI, DVI, DisplayPort, Composite, H.264 and USB Media. Multiple X3 processors can be cascaded to create very large display arrays. A dedicated, high-speed video/graphic bus maintains real-time performance even regardless of the signal load or type.
While X3 is ideal for videowall continuous display environments, the processor is truly multi-application with operation modes including Videowall, Presentation, Matrix, 3D and more. All switching is seamless
Control and configuration is undertaken interactively via RGBlink XPOSE or T Series control consoles.
Unique encoding technology between 2SI and SQD are switchable via RGBlink 12G SDI input module to ensure a safety application during 4K signal process, transmission.